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Thank You for May 18th Novena

Who among the devoted children of Mary, Mother of God, doubts Her ability to act when all seems lost? On February 11, 1958, the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing as Our Lady of America at Rome City, Indiana said: "America, the United States in particular, is being given the tremendous, yet privileged, opportunity to lead all nations in a spiritual renewal never before so necessary, so important, so vital."

We are hopeful that the United States bishops will have the solemn procession of Our Lady of America at Washington, D.C. next month, in June 2016.

Please continue to pray that the Catholic bishops of the U.S.A. will next month (June 2016) hold that solemn procession and permanent placement of the statue of Our Lady of America into the National Shrine of The Immaculate Conception at Washington.

The undersigned has communicated with the President of our bishops' conference regarding this in a recent letter which emphasized the central role of the bishops (and not so much, the laity) in doing this actual event of devotion which The Blessed Mother requested many years ago:

"There is no reason to believe that what Our Lady of America asks will not work because She promised us miracles greater than Lourdes and Fatima combined, and She talked about Her desire that all of Her children here have the virtue of purity. At Lourdes, unless individual lay persons did as Our Lady asked, and went to the spring, drank the water, and washed in it, nothing happened. In other words, only those to whom the message was addressed and who humbly did exactly what Our Lady suggested, got the miracles.

"Unlike at Lourdes, there is nothing the lay people can do to initiate the graces unique to Our Lady of America. The lay people are powerless to have the requested solemn procession into the National Shrine of The Immaculate Conception. The Bishops should have the solemn procession and permanent placement of the statue, if they wish, without any great fanfare. For Our Lady of America, it's primarily about the bishops, in the first instance, only the bishops, not the lay people."

In return for that solemn procession and permanent placement of the Our Lady of America statue, we expect widespread grace on Americans, so widespread that it is nearly universal. In regard to this, there is no reason to believe that what Our Lady of America asks will not occur because She promised us miracles greater than Lourdes and Fatima combined.

Nonetheless, some may question the reason for this. How is it that the bishops could hope for such a widespread infusion of purity in the populace of the United States of America? We find the answer both in understanding how vast indeed is the love and intercessory power of Our Heavenly Mother and in what She stated as Our Lady of America in Her messages. On September 27, 1956, the day after She appeared for the first time as Our Lady of America, She said: "I desire to make the whole of America my shrine by making every heart accessible to the love of my Son."

Please pray a Rosary each day in a 27-day triple novena beginning on Wednesday, May 18, through Monday, June 13, whenever possible in a Holy Hour before The Most Blessed Sacrament for the intention that the bishops of the United States will manage to hold a beautiful solemn procession of the Our Lady of America statue into the National Shrine of The Immaculate Conception no later than next month, June 2016, even doing so without much advance notice or publicity, placing that statue permanently in our National Marian Shrine Church.

"By Thy Holy & Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil!"

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